Tongue Cancer

Tongue cancer is a serious kind of cancer that begins in the tongue. When the cancer begins in the first two thirds of the tongue, it is known as oral cancer and when the cancer begins in the back of the tongue, it is known as throat cancer. When detected in the early stages of formation, tongue cancer is easily curable. This cancer is commonly found in men than in women. Tobacco chewing or smoking, regular usage of alcohol, over exposure to radiation, infection caused by papilloma virus, etc. are risk factors for the formation of tongue cancer.

Types of Tongue Cancer

There are mainly two types of tongue cancer based on the location of its origin. The common types of cancer that develop in the tongue are called squamous cell carcinoma:

  • Oral tongue cancer: are usually developed in squamous cells at the oral cavity side of the tongue and is known as oral tongue cancer. It easily can be identified and surgically removed before being spread to other parts of the tongue and body.
  • Hypopharyngeal or oropharyngeal tongue cancer: cancers that develop at the base of the tongue are usually hidden and cannot be identified easily. Such cancers are called hypopharyngeal or oropharyngeal tongue cancer and it silently spread to the tongue musculature and slowly affects the functioning of the tongue leading to difficulty in swallowing and difficulty in speaking. They may even metastasize into the oral tongue and other parts of the body before being diagnosed.

Generally Known Causes of Tongue Cancer

The exact causes of tongue cancer are not known today. It is believed that there are mutations or epigenetic changes that happen in the genetic level that produce the tongue cancer. There are ostensible factors called risk factors that increase the chances for development of tongue cancer called risk factors. They include:

  • Tobacco use including smoking and chewing
  • Injuries to the tongue including incidental biting
  • Exposure to radiation
  • Exposure to chemicals
  • Excessive use of alcohol
  • Exposure to sun light
  • Infection from human papilloma virus (HPV)

Dynamic Science (DS) Based Causes of Tongue Cancer

The material philosophy based science identifies that there are mutations or epigenetic changes happen in the genes or DNA that leads to the development of cancer. Dynamic Science (DS), introduced by our chief physician and founder director Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat, explains how mind, vital force (soul) and DNA are interconnected, reveals that our mind regulates the DNA with finality, though there are influences on DNA expression from the outside energy sources and also from the bio-chemical changes that happen in the physical body. But all DNA changes are ultimately under regulatory control of the mental and emotional thoughts. Through our researches based on Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA), we identified different mental and emotional thought processes that constructively and destructively influence the DNA expression. We identify that naturally positive, happy, comfortable, peaceful and pure mental emotional state constructively or curatively modify the DNA whereas negative, unnatural, pessimistic, fearful, destructive mental and emotional states derange the DNA to express itself to an unhealthy plane. Also each thought is connected to a functional system and/or organ of the body. In this connection we are in search for the particular negative mental and emotional state/thought that affects the particular energy that regulates the functioning of the genes that regulates the multiplication and functioning of the tongue for the development of tongue cancer in each patient. It is still an ongoing research and development activity and a new direction of scientific observation which can help in the development of future medical science and a new methodology for treatment. Please click here to know more about Dynamic Science.

Signs and Symptoms of Tongue Cancer

Symptoms of tongue cancer remain hidden till the malignancy has grown significantly and interferes in the day to day activities. Squamous cell carcinoma may result in lesions, which are larger than 2 cms. A properly developed lesion may be having the appearance of a rough papillomatous surface. This may lead to pain and difficulty in swallowing and problems in speaking. When the lingual nerve is involved in the tumor, it may result in pain, which may extent to ear also. The following are the common signs and symptoms of tongue cancer:

  • Red, brown or white patches over the tongue
  • Sore throat not connected to cold
  • Sore spot, ulcer or lump in tongue that will not go away
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Pain while swallowing
  • Numbness of tongue that will not go away
  • Bleeding from tongue
  • Pain radiated to ear (rare)

Diagnosis of Tongue Cancer

Diagnosis of tongue cancer includes the following steps:

  • Study of signs and symptoms: The journey for the diagnosis of condition begins from the study of the signs and symptoms of the patient.
  • Physical examination: After the study of the signs and symptoms, the doctor will have physical examination through visual examination and through palpation of the affected areas to see any lumps or swellings, etc.
  • Endoscopy examination: The doctor will also try to visualize the hidden interiors of the oropharyngeal area or root of the tongue through an endoscopy examination
  • Excisional Biopsy: At SGHHCC we appreciate excisional biopsy examination which help prevent the spread of cancer, which is more possible when we do incisional biopsy or needle biopsy through the open cut end of the malignant tumor.
  • Imaging tests: includes X-ray, CT scan, MRI scan, PET scan, etc which will help understand the size shape and extend of spread of the tumor to the interior areas and other parts of the body.
  • Cytogenetic study: This study help in the understanding of the changes in the chromosomes, genes and DNA functioning level through various examination like routine analysis of G-banded chromosomes, other cytogenetic banding techniques, as well as molecular cytogenetics such as fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH).

Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA) for Tongue Cancer Treatment

Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA) is a natural holistic treatment technique developed by Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat our chief physician and founder director who is a scientist and researcher in homeopathic medicine. Dr. Kudiyat introduces a new set of scientific hypotheses called Dynamic Science (DS) which is meant for the furtherance of science to make science suitable to study the living organisms by incorporating the dynamic components like mind and vital force (soul) with physical body.
Dynamic science which is well accepted by the genuine global scientific community is considered as the science of the 3rd millennium which clearly explains the relationship between mind, vital force (soul) and DNA which regulates the physical functioning. The answer to the billion dollar question ‘how cancer develops in human beings?’ is explained in this science. It also endeavours to answer vital issues like the causes of cancer; prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of cancer, etc. Dynamic science emphasizes the need for the patient and his/her family members to understand how cancer develops and how its invasion can be prevented by identifying and rectifying the fundamental or root causes that produce the cancer. A group counseling session will be conducted for the patients and all their family members and immediate relatives and friends, who intend to undergo treatment for cancer in our medical center. Only after successfully completing this informative counseling session, either directly at the center or through online video consultation, treatment for cancer begins.
The important ingredients of DSA include:

  • Medical management with judicious application of surgery and medicines especially natural medicines, particularly homeopathic medicines application;
  • Yoga, meditation, mudras, bandhas and associated yogic techniques, music therapy, etc. for relaxation and curative healthy transformation and fixation of the mind at the naturally positive, happy, comfortable, stable and peaceful state;
  • Counseling which will help the doctor to realize unnatural, unhealthy, pessimistic, negative and destructive concepts and attitudes that exist in the mind of the patient and help them realize it for self rectification for a complete cure in reversible cases.;
  • Food management.

Click here to know more about Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA) Treatment

Homeopathic Treatment for Tongue Cancer

During 18th century a German physician named Dr. Samuel Hahnemann invented Homeopathic System of Medicine. This is holistic system which has been found to be extremely successful in the treatment of various diseases. In homeopathy the medicine selection is done based on the natural law of cure called “Similia Similibus Curentur” meaning “let like be cured by like.” Our chief physician and director founder Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat is a world renowned homeopathic doctor and researcher who has written a book titled ‘Homeopathic Medicine, An Unavoidable Medical Revolution’ and also scientifically explains the billion dollar question – how homeopathic medicines work. The homeopathic treatment in our hospital is under the direct supervision of Dr. Shaji Kudiyat and our patients get the benefit and advantage of all his analytical and interpretational abilities in identifying and rectifying the fundamental causes of the disease and to make correct patient diagnosis for proper treatment. Click here to know more about Dr. Shaji Kudiyat and click here to know more about homeopathic treatment.

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