Nervous System Cancer

Nervous system consists of central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). CNS consists of brain and spinal cord and PNS consists of nerves that connects the CNS with the peripheral end organs called sensory organs, which include the 12 cranial nerves, the spinal nerves and roots, and what are called the autonomic nerves that are concerned specifically with the regulation of the heart muscle, the muscles in blood vessel walls, and glands. Nervous system cancer develops mainly in brain or spinal cord. A tumor is an abnormal growth of cells, which can either be benign or malignant. Tumors that grow in the original site of development are known as primary tumors and tumors that grow in another part spreading from the site of its origin are known as metastatic tumors. Generally, malignant tumors forming in the brain are considered life threatening as they are invasive and aggressive. Slow growing benign tumors also can be life threatening depending upon its type and location of occurrence.
The central nervous system (CNS) consists of neurons and glial cells.  Neurons constitute about half the volume of the CNS and glial cells make up the rest.  Glial cells provide support and protection for neurons.  They are thus known as the “supporting cells” of the nervous system.  The four main functions of glial cells are: to surround neurons and hold them in place, to supply nutrients and oxygen to neurons, to insulate one neuron from another, and to destroy and remove the carcasses of dead neurons (clean up). The three types of CNS supporting cells are Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, and Microglia.  The supporting cells of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) are known as Schwann Cells.

Classification of Nervous System Tumors or Brain Tumors

Brain tumors are classified based on the type of the cell that is involved in the tumor. Tumors made up of glial cells are known as gliomas. Most fast-growing brain tumors are gliomas. Tumors that grow out of astrocytes are known as astrocytomas. Tumors growing on meninges are known as meningiomas. Meninges is the membrane covering the brain.

Primary Brain Tumors

Gliomas: Tumors that grow on glial cells are known as gliomas. Two most important common types of gliomas are astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas. Astrocytomas are cancerous tumors whereas oligodendrogliomas are benign tumors. Glioblastoma multiforme is a type of astrocytoma which can be very aggressive.
Astrocytomas: Astrocytes are the star-shaped cells that make up the “glue-like” or supportive tissue of the brain. Almost 25 % of all brain tumors are astrocytomas. These tumors are graded based on how they look like under the microscope. Astrocytomas, which are made up of least aggressive cancer cells are known as low-grade astrocytomas. Astrocytomas made up of aggressive cancer cells are known as anaplastic astrocytomas. Astrocytomas made up of more aggressive cancer cells are known as glioblastoma multiforme. Astrocytomas are commonly seen between the age of 20 and 50. Seizures are one of the most common symptoms of astrocytomas. Even though they can occur anywhere in the brain, they are commonly seen in the temporal or frontal blocks of brain.
Glioblastoma multiforme: This is the most common type of malignant astrocytoma. They occur more frequently in men than in women. Though this type of tumors can develop during any age they are commonly seen after the age of 50. Most patients feel headaches, seizures, change in mental status, etc. as symptoms.
Oligodendrogliomas: Tumors that originate in the cells known as oligodentrocytes are known as oligodendrogliomas and this constitute only 5 % of all brain tumors. These tumors are commonly seen in people who are more than 40 years of age. These are usually very slow growing and benign tumors, which are seen in the frontal lobes. The first symptom of this type of brain tumors are seizures. Tumors made up of less aggressive cells are known as low grade oligodendrogliomas. Anaplastic oligodendrogliomas are tumors made up of more aggressive cells. A mixture of both these types of tumors known as oligoastrocytomas is the most commonly existing brain tumors.
Ependymomas: Ependymomas are tumors that occur in the lining of the ventricles, where the cerebrospinal fluid is contained. These tumors also occur in the linings of the middle portion of the spinal cord causing swelling and dysfunction. 5% of all brain tumors are ependymomas.
Pituitray Adenomas: Pituitary gland is a structure situated at the base of the brain and produces hormones necessary for growth and metabolism. Pituitary adenomas are tumors occurring in the pituitary gland. Benign tumors of this type account for 10-20 % of all brain tumors. Pituitary gland adenomas are classified into two categories. They are secreting and non secreting adenomas. In secreting adenomas a large quantity of pituitary hormones circulate in the body causing symptoms like erectile dysfunction and amenorrhea. In another type of pituitary adenoma excess prolactin is secreted. In some cases, the patient also experiences vision problems as the pituitary gland is situated in the visual pathway.
Meningiomas: meninges is the three layered outer covering membrane of brain and spinal cord of central nervous system with the outermost thick layer called dura mater, middle layer called arachnoid mater and inner thin delicate layer called pia mater. Tumors that occur on meninges are known as meningiomas. 15 to 20 % of all the brain tumors are slow growing meningiomas. They are benign, but can cause severe neurological dysfunction. Seizures, weaknesses, headaches, vision problems, etc. are the symptoms of meningiomas. It is commonly found among women above the age of 40. Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder that disposes to tumors resulting in meningiomas. Patients who have earlier undergone brain radiation and patients with genetic defect of Chromosome No. 22 are also at great risk of meningiomas.
Schwannomas: (Nerve sheath tumors) Schwannomas are tumors originating in the protective sheath surrounding, the nerve fibres formed from Schwann cells. These tumors are benign and are slow growing. Acoustic neuroma, is a shwannoma.
Acoustic Neuromas: A total of 12 pairs of cranial nerves originate from the brain stem which is the base part of the brain that connects to various sense organs of the face and neck. Schwannomas that is linked to the eighth cranial nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve, is known as acoustic neuromas. Acoustic schwannomas cause hearing loss and balance problems. These tumors are most commonly seen in people between 30 and 50 years of age.
Metastatic Brain Tumors: Metastatic tumors originate in organs like lungs, prostate gland, breast, gastrointestinal tract, etc. and spread to other organs like brain. Tumors spread to brain through blood stream. Metastatic tumors found in the brain are not localized, but are spread throughout the brain. Therefore, it is very difficult to identify them and give proper and timely treatment. Symptoms of metastatic cancer include headaches, seizures, confusion and weakness.
Spinal Cord Tumors: Spinal cord tumors are tumors developing as meningiomas and gliomas. Most spinal cord tumors are metastatic tumors. Slow growing spinal cord tumors do not show any symptoms. They can produce paralysis if left untreated. But, aggressive metastatic spinal tumors can cause paralysis very quickly.

Generally Known Causes of Nervous System Cancer

Exact causes of primary brain and nervous system tumors or cancers are not known. Causes of secondary brain tumours vary based on the site of origin of the cancer. Example: cancer from lungs is strongly related to tobacco use (This concept is different from Dynamic Science based causes). The following risk factors are considered for the development of brain and nervous system cancers:

  • Exposing head to ionizing radiation like radiation therapy, X-rays, CT Scans, etc.
  • Inherited genetic predisposition
  • Exposure to chemicals like benzene, petroleum products, vinyl chloride, etc.
  • Uses of mobile phones are also considered as a risk factor for the development of brain and nervous system cancers.

Dynamic Science (DS) Based Causes of Nervous System Cancer

Present science (material science) identifies that there are mutations or epigenetic changes happen in the genetic or DNA level that leads to the development of cancer. Dynamic Science, which explains how mind, vital force (soul) and DNA are interconnected, reveals that our mind regulates the DNA with finality, though there are influences on DNA from the outside energy sources and also from the bio-chemical changes that happen in the physical body. But all DNA changes are ultimately under regulatory control of the mental thoughts. Through our researches based on DSA, we identify different mental and emotional thought processes that constructively and destructively influence the DNA expression. We identified that naturally positive, happy, comfortable, peaceful and pure mental emotional state constructively or curatively modify the DNA whereas negative, unnatural, pessimistic, fearful, destructive mental and emotional states derange the DNA to express itself to an unhealthy plane. Also each thought is connected to a functional system and/or organ of the body. In this connection we are in search for important mental emotional states/thoughts that affect the central and peripheral nervous system in the development of cancer. It is still an ongoing research and development activity and a new direction of scientific observation which can make the development of future Medical Science and a new methodology of cancer treatment. Click here to know more about Dynamic Science.

Symptoms of Nervous System Cancer

The signs and symptoms of nervous system tumors and cancers depend on the location of the tumor. Patients may experience the following general signs and symptoms:

  • Head ache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Leg and arm weakness
  • Seizures
  • Changes in mental alertness or confusion
  • Facial weakness
  • Double vision
  • Hearing loss and/or
  • Swallowing difficulties
  • Paralysis.

Diagnosis of Nervous System Cancer

Diagnosis of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system tumors and cancers are done clinically by analyzing the signs and symptoms of the patient and then confirming it by the investigations like CT scan, MRI scan, etc.

Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA) for the Treatment of Nervous System Cancer

Our natural holistic DSA treatment is based on Dynamic science (DS) which is the new generation science, introduced by our founder director and chief physician Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat. The relation between mind, vital force (soul) and DNA are explained in this science and postulates that naturally positive, happy, comfortable, peaceful and pure mental emotional state constructively or curatively modifies the DNA whereas negative, unnatural, pessimistic, fearful, destructive mental and emotional states derange the DNA to express itself to an unhealthy plane. DSA treatment includes the application of natural medicines, methods and techniques like homeopathic medications, yoga, meditation, music therapy, counseling, judicious application of surgery, food management, etc. which produces curative mutations and epigenetic changes in the disease producing abnormal genetic makeup. This results in the complete cure of cancer. So every patient who intends to undergo treatment in our hospital is asked to attend a group counseling session conducted by our director and chief physician Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat directly or through online video consultation, before the treatment commences. Click here to know more about Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA).

Homeopathic Treatment for Nervous System Cancer

Now a fully developed holistic medical system; homeopathy was introduced by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann during the eighteenth century. This medical system has been found to be extremely successful in cancer treatment, by directly and curatively influencing the vital force. Our founder director Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat is a homeopathic physician, researcher and scholar who have pioneered a new methodology for cancer treatment, which has given him a very revered position in the scientific community. He has written a book named ‘Homeopathic Medicine, An Unavoidable Medical Revolution.’ Dr. Kudiyat writes articles in journals and he addresses international medical conferences where his latest inventions and medical philosophies are presented. All our patients get the unique opportunity to be treated by Dr. Kudiyat whose patient specific analysis of the situation and interpretations are unique and greatly beneficial to the patient and the entire family members. Click here to know more about Dr. Shaji Varghese Kuidyat and click here to know more about homeopathic treatment.


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