Prostate Cancer

Prostrate is a glandular organ found in males. This organ is about more than a inch in size and is of the same size as a walnut and weighs about 30 gms. Urethra is covered by this organ and this organ produces the seminal fluid. The cancer originating in the prostate gland is known as prostate cancer. Prostate cancer grows very slowly and in many cases it remains hidden and does not need any treatment. But in some people prostate cancers grow quickly and are aggressive. If prostate cancer is diagnosed earlier when it is confined to prostrate alone, there is a better chance of fruitful treatment.

Generally Known Causes of Prostate Cancer

The factors called ostensible causes, which increase the risk of prostate cancer development are mentioned below.

  • Age: As age increases the risk also increases and prostate cancer is generally found in men who are greater than 60.
  • Race: Black people are found to have a greater risk of prostate cancer compared to white people.
  • Family history: Family members of a person who has prostate cancer are at great risk of prostate cancer.
  • Obesity: Obese people are more prone to prostate cancer.

Dynamic Science (DS) Based Causes of Prostate Cancer

Present science (material science) identifies that there are mutations or epigenetic changes happen in the genetic level that leads to the development of Cancer. Dynamic Science, which explains how mind, vital force (soul) and DNA are interconnected, reveals that our mind regulates the DNA with finality, though there are influences on DNA from the outside energy sources and also from the bio-chemical changes that happen in the physical body. But all DNA changes are ultimately under regulatory control of the mental thoughts. Through our researches based on Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA), we identify different mental and emotional thought processes that constructively and destructively influence the DNA structure. We identify that naturally positive, happy, comfortable, peaceful and pure mental emotional state constructively or curatively modify the DNA whereas negative, unnatural, pessimistic, fearful, destructive mental and emotional states derange the DNA to express itself to an unhealthy plane. Also each thought is connected to a functional system and/or organ of the body. In this connection we identified that frustration is the important mental emotional state that affect the prostate in the development of benign tumor and continued frustrated existence of the patient leads to development of negative emotional states converting the benign tumor to malignant tumor or cancer of the prostate gland. It is still an ongoing research and development activity and a new direction of scientific observation which can make the development of future Medical Science and a new methodology of treatment. Please click here to know more about Dynamic Science.

Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer does not show any symptoms in its earlier stages. Symptoms shown in the later stages of prostate cancer are detailed below.

  • Difficulty in urinating
  • Presence of blood in urine
  • Pain in hip or thighs
  • Bone pain
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Pain in the pelvic area

Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

Medical organizations suggest that men above the age of 50 who are having risk factors undergo diagnostic tests for prostate cancer as this cancer does not show more symptoms and is the most common cancer in men. Discuss this matter with your physician and he may suggest one or more of the tests, which are explained below.

  • Digital rectal examination: In this test, doctor inserts his lubricated and gloved finger into the rectum of the patient and examines by touch or palpation of the prostate gland to find whether any suspicious mass can be located.
  • Prostate-specific antigen test: For this test, blood sample is taken and the presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is tested. Higher level of PSA is an indication of prostate infection.

If the above tests show anything unnatural the following tests will be conducted to confirm the existence of prostate cancer.

  • Ultrasound Scan: In this test a probe is inserted into your rectum and with the help of ultrasound waves produced by the probe, picture of the prostate gland is obtained and analyzed to find out the mass or tumor.
  • Biopsy: if any suspicion is there about the possibility of prostate cancer your doctor may recommend a biopsy. In biopsy, a sample of the prostate tissues is collected by inserting a thin needle. This sample is examined under a microscope to confirm the existence of prostate cancer. AT SGHHCC, needle biopsy is an optional examination, since it can lead to spread of the cancer.

For ascertaining the present stage of prostate cancer your doctor may recommend one or more of tests like bone scan, CT scan, MRI testing, PET scan, etc.

Dynamic scientific approach (DSA) Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Dynamic Science (DS), the new generation science propounded by our founder director and chief physician Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat is the foundation stone on which our natural holistic DSA treatment for cancer is based. Through this science Dr. Kudiyat explain the relationships between dynamic components in human beings like mind and vital force (soul) with DNA that regulates the physical body. DS explains how mutations and epigenetic changes take place in living organisms, especially in human beings which have significant relation with the cancer development.

So our treatment begins with a seminar/group counseling, either directly given at our center or through online video consultation, in which the patient and all the family members need to take part and this empowers them with the knowledge of how cancer develops and the process of healing of cancer and the essence of the treatment procedure followed in our center. The success stories and experiences of other patients who were saved from the clutches of cancer give them confidence and courage to go through the unique natural treatment methodology of DSA and come out in flying colors. In DSA treatment we incorporate natural homeopathic medicines, spiritual purifying and harmonizing techniques like yoga, meditation, prayer, music therapy, etc. along with the genetic counseling, which is a unique branch of counseling that we introduce. We also incorporate judicious use of surgery whenever required. Click here to know more about Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA).

Homeopathic Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Homeopathy is a holistic treatment method propounded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician during the eighteenth century. This new system of medicine aims at healing the diseases in a gentler way by harnessing the self healing capacity of human body to fight against diseases and to rejuvenate the patient by removing all the traits of the disease by following the cardinal principle of homeopathy ‘Simiila Similibus Curentur’ which means ‘let like be cured with like. Homeopathy is the safest medicine available in the medical world. Our founder director Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat is a world renowned homeopathic practitioner who has introduced a new generation science called dynamic science which explain how homeopathic medicines work. He has authored a book titled ‘Homeopathic Medicine, An Unavoidable Medical Revolution.’ All our patients get the unique opportunity to be treated by Dr. Kudiyat whose patient specific analysis of the situation and interpretations are unique and greatly beneficial to the patient and the entire family members. Click here to know more about Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat and click here to know more about homeopathic treatment.

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