Patients Testimonials

Doctor is very straight forward, got to the root of the problem very quickly. He establishes good rapport with patients and advises genuinely for their benefit. His advice brought peace into my life. Doctor's sole aim is patient's recovery and he is committed to it without any commercial motives. He listens to our questions patiently and clarifies any doubts.

Name : Poorna Gopalakrishnan

Shaji treates a problem from its root and unravels connections to solve medical and psychiatric problems. It has been a true blessing to meet him. His revolutionary method of 'dynamic science' is a effective method for ailments like cancer. The combination of homeopathy and Dynamic Science approach is a holistic combination in the hands of this kind man.

Name : Srikanth K S

I visited Dr. Shaji today. He is very interactive.Listens and analyses the issue patiently. I came home peacefully after meeting him. Has great experience in this specialized field of DSA.

Name : Prasanna Kumar

We visited yesterday for a follow up visit. Doctor gives very effective treatment that includes homeopathy and counseling. He has very clear understanding of the issues that plague modern society and was able to answer our problems and concerns with valuable guidance. We are very happy with the progress after meeting Dr. Shaji.

Name : Mahalingam Koushik B

I have been visiting and taking treatment for Psoriasis from Dr.Shaji Kudiyat ....His approach of treatment involves family counselling and homeopathic medicines.....It was a totally new approach to me of dynamic science...He helped me to understand the root cause of my skin disorder. It was a fruitful approach as my skin started clearing and of course it made a tremendous impact on my life. I referred my brother's friend who had a similar problem and he too found relief....This process needs lot of patience to unearth the cause. However it is a harmless approach. The best part is there is no strict diet. Would recommend Dr.Shaji Kudiyat approach 9f healing.

Name : MHosamane Savitha

Doctor is excellant... non commercial....analyse individual case and suggest the right practice and personal attention to the patients....treating my sister in law for esopahagus cancer and my mother for diabetes

Name : Jnanesh Bbmp

I had a growth in the recto-sigmoid colon of the large intestine in my abdomen. In fact soon after my operation, I was informed about the well-known doctor Dr. Shaji Kudiyat. He is a Homeopathy doctor. He is convinced that cancer can be cured completely with the DSA method of treatment. Accordingly I took interest to meet him and he gave a group counselling with me and my family. So I decided to accept treatment from him.Thanks to Dr. Shaji's specialised treatment so that there was no relapses of any cancerous growth in any part of my body nor there were any deposit of secondaries of cancer cells in my physical system. As per his advice I continued treatment at St. George Holistic Health Care Center for almost two years. Now I am perfectly healthy and do not take any treatment for cancer.I had done the regular scan and checkups. I am very grateful to God the almighty for healing me through the professional treatment of Dr. Shaji and wish him all the best. With regards and beat wishes to all. Grace Mathew

Name : george mathew

a year ago I have 2 kids. My son having allergy with contnous cold. We went to so many hospitals for treatment - like allopathic and Ayurvedic treatments . We did not get any relief from that. After that we went for homeopathic treatment here. Dr Shaji Kudiyat gave some counseling to my family to have peace at home, along with homeopathic medicines. Counseling is an important part of homeopathy based DSA treatment which is equally beneficial as medicine.

Name :Hari Babu Nallaindhulla

Doctor listens to you very patiently, analyses the problem very well and explains what exactly is the problem in a detailed manner, what causes it and then the treatment to follow, I had good experience in dealing my problem and undergoing the treatment now. I highly recommend him.

Name :melwin y

I was very hopeless for my health problems i had a slip disc and i am pcos patient then my freind suggested me the doctor to be frannk my life has changed completely and i am gettimg cured by my problems thanx to doctor to give me new way of life

Name :priya rajawat

My father was cured of his stage 3 stomach cancer in 2001. Thanks to Dr. Kudiyat for introducing Homeopathy in our country.

Name :Carmelita Villarosa

My wife Smt. K Sathi, have diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) in the end of June 2016. As a normal practice we had started Allopathic treatment for 2 months (Chemotherapy, Blood and Platelet Transfusion) and infections were treated with Antibiotics. All these process had taken a toll on her health and her condition worsened further, Worried, we had started researching for Alternative treatment system and finally zeroed in Dr Shaji Varghese Kudiyat(Homeopathic Physician and Researcher) of St. George Holistic Cancer and Research Centre. After 3 weeks of treatment under Dr. Shaji, we noticed visible results. The periodical blood test has shown considerable improvement on all counts and immunity in general has also developed to a desired level. As such we discontinued all Allopathic treatment (Chemotherapy, Blood transfusion, treatment with Antibiotics). Since Dr Shaji's treatment was started during last week of August 2016, weekly test of Blood counts showed steady progress and generally she has been regaining her health and we are happy to state that she is very much in the path of recovery. Now she is able to attend regular chores of household activities gently. We pray and thank god for showing us a right source for further curative treatment procedure with Dr Shaji Varghese.

Babu KR
Mob - +91-9844143281
Home- 080-28474107

Testimony on Stomach Cancer- From, Carmelita Cano Villarosa Philippines.

In 2001, my father was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He was brought to a hospital in Quezon City, Metro Manila from Davao City for a more comprehensive checkup. Stage 3 stomach cancer was the diagnosis. A surgery was suggested, but because of his age (he was 83), anything could happen, the doctor said. Our aunt who is a Carmelite nun disagreed that my father will undergo surgery. She instructed me and my siblings to bring our father to San Pablo City to have him checked and treated by Dr. Shaji Kudiyat. She told us about Dr. Shaji and Homeopathy, but we found it strange at first because we never heard of the word Homeopathy before and had no idea how the treatment goes. We still brought him to San Pablo City because we wanted to try everything that will cure his illness. It was a long wait then when we got to Dr. Shaji's clinic. There were many patients who waited, so it took us several hours before he was called for his turn.

He took the prescribed homeopathic medicines religiously after seeing Dr. Kudiyat. On the second year, he was brought to his doctor as per advised by Dr. Kudiyat, for an ultrasound of his stomach. In fact, his doctor thought he was already dead because he has not seen my father for a long time. The doctor performed a gastrointestinal endoscopy, and to his surprise, the cancer was already gone. No more trace of the fungus-like growth found in his stomach. My father continuously took the homeopathic medicines for another two years. On the fourth year, he was 100% cleared of the disease. Thanks Dr. Shaji Kudiyat, thanks to Homeopathy and most of all, thank you Lord Jesus Christ!


Testimony of Sr. Bernina F. Peralta of San Pablo Carmel

Greetings of peace and blessings in our LORD JESUS.

I am Sister Bernina F. Peralta,o.c.d. I am 51 years old, A cloistered nun of the Carmel of the Incarnate Word, San Pablo City, Laguna.

On three (3) occasions I was healed and helped with my sicknesses by Dr. Shaji V. Kudiyat, through holistic approach. Dr. Shaji is a homeopathic doctor.

First in 1999 with typhoid fever Homeopathic medicine healed my fever and restored my health after three days of using it.

Before Treatment

Second in 2003 when mammographic findings show scattered fibro-glandular tissues with no evidence of malignancy and sonomammogram with distinct hypoechoic masses result on my left breast. Dr. Shaji told me not to worry but I complained of pain, in pity he gave me medicines for some time until I accepted his words. All these years life went on normally. The November 2014 mammo and May 2015 sono results show that my sickness did not progress.

Third: at present I am under treatment to remove the dark marks in my legs due to skin lesions from toxicity. I was healed of the toxicity without using medicine. I just exactly followed what Dr. Shaji told me to do via e-mail.


After Treatment


In 2002 I was diagnosed and cured of fungus with smaller size than now in the same part of my right leg. I was told since then by a conventional medicine doctor to continuously use a particular brand of moisturizing lotion to prevent its recurrence but in June 2015 it began to recur. I used ointment and tried other means to cure but it progressively got worse. On 04 August 2015 I had my blood chemistry and hematology with normal results. On 06 August 2015 I sent e-mail to Dr. Shaji, gave details about my previous fungus and my present health condition. He replied that my sickness comes from the mind, that I can be cured (even without medicine), what is needed and contemplation and more prayers. He asked me to send picture of my disease. I did his advice and helped myself too by any available means as the pressure of work in the monastery cannot be avoided, it is a holy sacrifice indeed. Gradually the healing process took place.

I thank our lord for having a homeopathic doctor in the Philippines. May our Lord bless Dr. Shaji, all his loved ones and his patients one of whom is my sister-in-law Roselyn S. Peralta. May homeopathy help our people in a wider scope especially those with cancer.

God bless us all.

* Results may vary patient to patient

Sister Bernina Fernandez Peralta, O.C.D

Recto-Sigmoid Colon Cancer

Grace Mathew
No 38, Oceanus gardens,
Carmelaram P.O,
Bangalore, 560035.

Mobile: +919538803799

To whomever it may concern.

This is to testify myself that I had a growth in the recto-sigmoid colon of the large intestine in my abdomen. Accordingly I consulted doctors at St. John’s Hospital, which followed few investigations and underwent surgery on 25/06/2012. The surgery included resection of 27 cms. long portion of the recto-sigmoid colon in my large intestine. Then a portion of it was sent to biopsy examination. My biopsy reported as "moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma - grade 2." But the oncology surgeon said that the chemotherapy may or may not help and referred me to an oncologist. They wanted to see me to have periodical review in their clinic. Therefore they advised me to visit them every 3 months. I was further advised to do a blood test for CEA and after 1 year to do the CT Scan and Colonoscopy.

In fact soon after my discharge I was informed about the well-known doctor Dr. Shaji Kudiyat by my cousin. He is a Homeopathy doctor and had done research in cancer. He is convinced that cancer can be cured completely with the DSA method of treatment. Accordingly I took interest to meet him and he gave a group counselling with me and my family. So I decided to accept treatment from him. I was prompt in following his advice and treatment. I was taking the homeopathy treatment and at same time I was regular for CEA blood tests in every 3 months, and with the report I used to visit the oncologist for 2nd opinion, who advised me to do so earlier. Every CEA blood test was normal and the doctors who had reviewed me were rather surprised to see the progress of my health. Likewise after 1 year of the surgery, I also underwent colonoscopy and CT scan, which were also normal.
Thanks to Dr. Shaji Kudiyat's specialised treatment so that there was no relapses of any cancerous growth in any part of my body nor there were any deposit of secondaries of cancer cells in my physical system. As per Dr. Shaji’s advice I continued treatment at St. George Holistic Health Care Center for almost two years. Now I am perfectly healthy and do not take any treatment for cancer.

I am very grateful to God the almighty for healing me through the professional treatment of Dr. Shaji and wish him all the best. I hope many cancer patients may get healed of their disease through the kind treatment of Dr. Shaji.

With regards and beat wishes to all.

Grace Mathew.

* Results may vary patient to patient

Grace Mathew

Tongue Cancer

I Ernesto J. Pujanes, male, 69 years old, Filipino from Alaminos, Laguna, Philippines was operated on my tongue on February 2014 at San Pablo City Community General Hospital. After the operation the biopsy revealed that I have Carcinoma in my tongue. Since it is a form of cancer I opted for a second opinion and underwent MRI at St. Luke Hospital in Quezon City and the result was the same. The attending physician suggested radiation but remained hesitant to do the said procedure. I seek again another opinion from another oncologist at Makati Medical Center but the advice were still the same. I already schedule to start my radiation until a friend of mine advised me to go to Dr. Shaji Kudiyat and thank God after almost a year of homeopathic treatment and proper diet as part of the Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA) treatment, the result of my MRI conducted last May 18, 2015 at Makati Medical Center shows no new development of tongue cancer. I feel extremely good, I am healed and cleared of Carcinoma.

49 Ilaya St., Brgy. Apasan, Alaminos, Laguna, Philippines

Mobile: +63 908-439-1244

E-mail: (Daughter)

Facebook: Arlene Songcaya Pujanes (Daughter)

Thank God.

Ernesto J. Pujanes

May 25, 2015

* Results may vary patient to patient

Ernesto J. Pujanes
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