(Relaxation after each standing asana is Sitala Tadasana)
Benefits: Elasticity of the spine increases, lateral thoracic muscles are stretched and blood supply increases, lung capacity increases, relieves back pain, constipation and good for flat foot, excess fat is reduced.
Benefits: The entire posterior muscles, sciatic nerve, tendons and ligaments of thighs and legs are stretched. Spinal and pelvic nerves are toned up, blood circulation to brain increases.Also enhances secretion of gastric juices and slims down waist and hip muscles. Useful in treating diabetes, improves liver function and develops humility.
Caution: Persons with high blood pressure and heart disease should do with care and individuals with spondilitis and back pain must avoid.
Benefits: Stimulate and improve the function of blood and kidney. Strengthens and stretches the hips, back, arms, thighs and leg.
Reduces blood pressure, stress, anxiety and cures indigestion and gives flexibility to groins, hamstrings and hips. Helps to remove fats from the waist and thighs, this asana improves the balance and increases concentration.
Benefits: Strengthens stretches and provides balance for legs and all lower body parts. Opens the chest, lungs, and shoulders, cleanses the internal organs, stimulates abdominal organs, increases and builds stamina.
Parivritta Trikonasana
Improves digestion, helps with constipation, infertility, lower back pain and sciatica. Creates healthy spine flexibility, provides body with fresh oxygen and nutrients, supplies fresh blood to abdominal organs.
Benefits: Tones up dorsal muscles, calves and lumbo sacral region, improves blood flow to chest and neck regions, respiratory organs get relaxed good for asthma and lower back pain, relaxes cramps in thighs and calves, also enhances the benefits of padahastasana.
Caution: Hypertension and heart patients should take care, individuals who are thin, tall and weak can spread their feet apart to stabilize and should not over do.
Benefits: Tones the calf, thigh muscles and hip joints. Good for back pain and to strengthen knee joints, also develops confidence.
Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) Ekapada Asana
Benefits: This state brings rejuvenation, balance, equilibrium to your mind and concentration. Strengthens the legs and hips, this has been found to relieve some cases of sciatica.
Garudasana ( Eagle pose)
Benefits : Improves body balance, Stretches and soothes your shoulders, shoulder blades and creates stability on the core muscles, upper back and outer thighs. Strengthens ankles, legs and feet. Also, boosts concentration, enhances focus and Instills calmness.
Benefits: Strengthens legs hips, ankles and chest. Helps to reduce weight, stretches the thighs, groin, and abdominal organs. Improves digestion, concentration, releases stress and calms the mind.
Caution: Those suffering from low blood pressure should avoid.
Benefits of Suryanamaskar (saluation to Sun)
Suryanamaskar is more than just a series of physical exercises, though it stretches, massages, tones and stimulates all muscles, vital organs and physical parts of alternatively flexing the body backward and forward. Awakes vital energy.
Suryanamaskar ( Saluation to Sun )
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