The Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA) for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of cancer & all chronic diseases. (All kinds of non-communicable diseases, auto-immune diseases, life-style disorders, etc.)
100+ types of cancers.
Over millions of cancer- patients.
Thousands of medicines and practices.
Still the only cure available is
Our founder, Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat has been the herald of a new paradigm of Science – Dynamic Science. By introducing the findings of his historic research in this new discipline to areas like prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases, particularly cancer, he has been able to develop a system where life-threatening diseases get eliminated at the root level. An author and a columnist dealing with some of the niche-topics in science and medicine, Dr. Shaji Kudiyat is determined to turn the advantages of this new approach to the common man’s benefit. In parallel, he is also engaged in several philanthropic and community-awareness activities.
View MoreThe best way to cure cancer is nothing else but a better way to look at how the disease develops. If you are a cancer patient or happen to know anyone suffering from this deadly disease, don’t let others be the judge. Listen to an approach which explains how the disease forms, grows and gradually gnaws into your body from the mind. Believe in an approach which harnesses on your power of self-healing.
The Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA) founded by Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat is a result of over 20 years of research on the root cause and cure of deadly diseases like Cancer, autoimmune diseases, life style disorders and Non Communicable Diseases, etc.
View More“This tablet will cure cancer for sure”
“No, this herb is better”.
“No, drink this potion”.
“Finally the oil that cures cancer has arrived!”
“No need, have a lot of apples since they have anti -oxidants.”
“Cancer? Don’t ever think about it”.
“Wait a while we are almost there”,
“Till then, swallow this tablet”.
Homeopathy is the predominantly popular alternative holistic system of medicine, invented by a German Physician Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann more that 200 years ago.
Learn MoreCounseling is an interaction between two or more individuals, where an individual or a group of people in need of guidance for change and/or correction (counselee), seek the help and guidance...
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Majority of the internal organs are covered by a layer of tissues known as mesothelium. The cancer occurring to mesothelium is known as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer. Meso...
Learn MoreCancer that develops in any organs that is situated inside the mouth can be broadly classified as mouth cancer. Cancer that originates in organs like lips, tongue, gums, roof of the mouth, inside lini...
Learn MoreCancer that affects blood plasma cells, found inside the bones is known as multiple myeloma. Plasma cells are part of the blood circulatory system and human immune system which helps to fight infectio...
Learn MoreMyelodysplastic syndrome refers to a group of myeloid stem cell disorders, which affects the ability of a person’s bone marrow to produce normal blood cells like platelets, red blood cells, and white...
Learn MoreNervous system consists of central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). CNS consists of brain and spinal cord and PNS consists of nerves that connects the CNS with the peripheral...
Learn MoreEvery woman has two ovaries, one on either side of the uterus. Ovaries produce eggs and female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Cancer originating in the ovaries is known as ovarian cancer. General...
Learn MorePancreas is an organ that lies horizontally in the lower part of the abdomen. Enzymes for the digestion of the food we eat and hormones that regulate the metabolism of sugars are secreted by pancreas...
Learn MoreProstrate is a glandular organ found in males. This organ is about more than a inch in size and is of the same size as a walnut and weighs about 30 gms. Urethra is covered by this organ and this organ...
Learn MoreRectal cancer or bowel cancer develops in rectum, which are the last few inches of the large intestine or colon near to the anal opening. Rectal cancer begins as small polyps in the rectum.
Learn MoreSarcoma is a group of cancers that occurs on connective tissues like the nerves, bones, muscles, cartilages, tendons, blood vessels and fibrous tissues. There are about 100 sub types of sarcomas.
Learn MoreSkin cancers generally occurs in the skin areas exposed to direct sun light like face, lips, arms, scalp, ears, hands, chest, legs, etc. However, skin cancers can occur in the skin which is not expose...
Learn MoreStomach is a muscular sac situated in the abdomen below the ribs, which receives food we eat and where it is broken down and digested. Cancer that develops in stomach is known as stomach cancer or as...
Learn MoreTesticles are situated inside scrotum and the cancer that affects testicles is known as testicular cancer. Depending upon the type and stage of the cancer the prognosis of testicular cancer varies.
Learn MoreAbnormal growth of malignant cells in thyroid gland is thyroid cancer. Thyroid is a gland located below the Adam’s apple. Hormones produced by thyroid gland helps in regulating the blood pressure, bod...
Learn MoreTongue cancer is a serious kind of cancer that begins in the tongue. When the cancer begins in the first two thirds of the tongue, it is known as oral cancer and when the cancer begins in the back of...
Learn MoreUncontrollable growth of cells in the urinary bladder is known as bladder cancer. Bladder cancer originates in the mucosa in the inner layer of the bladder.
Learn MoreUterus is the organ situated in the pelvis and commonly known as womb, where the fetus grows until its birth. Uterus is like an upside down pear, the top part is known as fundus, the middle portion is...
Learn MoreThe category of head and neck cancers includes a large number of cancers that occurs on various organs in the head and the neck of human beings. These cancers are classified based on the organ where t...
Learn MoreWhen a cancer that has originated in one organ / place spreads to another organ / place in the body, the cancer in the new organ / place is known as metastatic cancer and the process of spreading of c...
Learn MoreAnal cancer occurs when cancerous cells develop within anal orifice. This is not a very common type of cancer. Rectal cancer which is the cancer on the rectum has commonly been mistaken as anal cancer...
Learn MoreBlood cancer is generally related to the abnormal multiplication of the functional ingredients in our immune system which includes bone marrow, blood and lymphatic system, which includes lymph nodes,...
Learn MoreBone cancer is a type of cancer which affects the bone tissue. Bone cancer is typically found in children and young adults, though it can occur at any age.
Learn MoreAbnormal growth of cells that originates in the brain cells is known as brain tumor. In a broad sense, brain tumors can be classified into two groups.
Learn MoreBreast cancer develops in the tissues of the breast. Breast Cancer can be found both in women and men though mostly it occurs in women.
Learn MoreCarcinoid cancers / tumors are slow growing tumors which originate in the cells of the neuroendocrine system of gut and respiratory system.
Learn MoreCervix is the lower part of the uterus. Uncontrolled growth of cells, which sometimes occurs in cervix is known as cervix or cervical cancer. Cervical cancer develops very slowly. Before the formation...
Learn MoreCancer that develops in the large intestine (colon) is known as colon cancer. It is also known as colorectal cancer or bowel cancer as rectum is a continuation of the large intestine.
Learn MoreEndocrine system consists of various glands in human body which produces hormones. Endocrine system involves pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal gland, ovaries, testic...
Learn MoreEsophagus / oesophagus is the long tube connecting the throat and stomach of human beings. The food we eat passes through this tube and reaches the stomach. Cancer that occurs in the esophagus is know...
Learn MoreGallbladder is an organ situated on the right side of the abdomen beneath the liver. It is the storehouse of bile a digestive fluid produced by the liver. The cancer originating in the gall bladder is...
Learn MoreCancer that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract and other organs of digestion is known as gastrointestinal cancer. Cancer of esophagus, small intestine, pancreas, gall bladder, large intestine, rectu...
Learn MoreHaemangioma is a benign growth or swelling of the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels. Haemangioma can be characterised by the increased number of normal or abnormal blood vessels filled wit...
Learn MoreKidney / Renal cancer is the condition in which some cells in the kidney start growing uncontrollably resulting in the formation of tumors, which slowly evolves as cancer.
Learn MoreCancer that develops in the larynx is known as larynx cancer. Larynx is an organ that plays a very vital role in breathing and communication. Vocal cords which produce sound are situated inside the la...
Learn MoreA group of cancers which originate in the bone marrow with high number abnormal white blood cells are known as Leukaemia or blood cancer. Generally bone marrow contains of few healthy and many immatur...
Learn MoreAbnormal fast multiplication of cells that begins in the liver without any rhythm in the rate of multiplication is known as liver cancer, hepatic cancer or hepato-cellular cancer (HCC). There are main...
Learn MoreThe uncontrolled growth of cells that begins in the lungs is known as lung cancer or pulmonary carcinoma. Lungs are spongy organs located in the chest that receives oxygen we inhale and expels the car...
Learn MoreLymphoma is the name of a common type of blood cancer which affects the lymphatic system especially the lymphocytes and lymph nodes. Lymphoma can be broadly classified into two categories based on the...
Learn MoreMajority of the internal organs are covered by a layer of tissues known as mesothelium. The cancer occurring to mesothelium is known as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer. Meso...
Learn MoreCancer that develops in any organs that is situated inside the mouth can be broadly classified as mouth cancer. Cancer that originates in organs like lips, tongue, gums, roof of the mouth, inside lini...
Learn MoreCancer that affects blood plasma cells, found inside the bones is known as multiple myeloma. Plasma cells are part of the blood circulatory system and human immune system which helps to fight infectio...
Learn MoreMyelodysplastic syndrome refers to a group of myeloid stem cell disorders, which affects the ability of a person’s bone marrow to produce normal blood cells like platelets, red blood cells, and white...
Learn MoreNervous system consists of central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). CNS consists of brain and spinal cord and PNS consists of nerves that connects the CNS with the peripheral...
Learn MoreEvery woman has two ovaries, one on either side of the uterus. Ovaries produce eggs and female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Cancer originating in the ovaries is known as ovarian cancer. General...
Learn MorePancreas is an organ that lies horizontally in the lower part of the abdomen. Enzymes for the digestion of the food we eat and hormones that regulate the metabolism of sugars are secreted by pancreas...
Learn MoreProstrate is a glandular organ found in males. This organ is about more than a inch in size and is of the same size as a walnut and weighs about 30 gms. Urethra is covered by this organ and this organ...
Learn MoreRectal cancer or bowel cancer develops in rectum, which are the last few inches of the large intestine or colon near to the anal opening. Rectal cancer begins as small polyps in the rectum.
Learn MoreSarcoma is a group of cancers that occurs on connective tissues like the nerves, bones, muscles, cartilages, tendons, blood vessels and fibrous tissues. There are about 100 sub types of sarcomas.
Learn MoreSkin cancers generally occurs in the skin areas exposed to direct sun light like face, lips, arms, scalp, ears, hands, chest, legs, etc. However, skin cancers can occur in the skin which is not expose...
Learn MoreStomach is a muscular sac situated in the abdomen below the ribs, which receives food we eat and where it is broken down and digested. Cancer that develops in stomach is known as stomach cancer or as...
Learn MoreTesticles are situated inside scrotum and the cancer that affects testicles is known as testicular cancer. Depending upon the type and stage of the cancer the prognosis of testicular cancer varies.
Learn MoreAbnormal growth of malignant cells in thyroid gland is thyroid cancer. Thyroid is a gland located below the Adam’s apple. Hormones produced by thyroid gland helps in regulating the blood pressure, bod...
Learn MoreTongue cancer is a serious kind of cancer that begins in the tongue. When the cancer begins in the first two thirds of the tongue, it is known as oral cancer and when the cancer begins in the back of...
Learn MoreUncontrollable growth of cells in the urinary bladder is known as bladder cancer. Bladder cancer originates in the mucosa in the inner layer of the bladder.
Learn MoreUterus is the organ situated in the pelvis and commonly known as womb, where the fetus grows until its birth. Uterus is like an upside down pear, the top part is known as fundus, the middle portion is...
Learn MoreThe category of head and neck cancers includes a large number of cancers that occurs on various organs in the head and the neck of human beings. These cancers are classified based on the organ where t...
Learn MoreWhen a cancer that has originated in one organ / place spreads to another organ / place in the body, the cancer in the new organ / place is known as metastatic cancer and the process of spreading of c...
Learn MoreAnal cancer occurs when cancerous cells develop within anal orifice. This is not a very common type of cancer. Rectal cancer which is the cancer on the rectum has commonly been mistaken as anal cancer...
Learn MoreBlood cancer is generally related to the abnormal multiplication of the functional ingredients in our immune system which includes bone marrow, blood and lymphatic system, which includes lymph nodes,...
Learn MoreBone cancer is a type of cancer which affects the bone tissue. Bone cancer is typically found in children and young adults, though it can occur at any age.
Learn MoreAbnormal growth of cells that originates in the brain cells is known as brain tumor. In a broad sense, brain tumors can be classified into two groups.
Learn MoreBreast cancer develops in the tissues of the breast. Breast Cancer can be found both in women and men though mostly it occurs in women.
Learn MoreCarcinoid cancers / tumors are slow growing tumors which originate in the cells of the neuroendocrine system of gut and respiratory system.
Learn MoreCervix is the lower part of the uterus. Uncontrolled growth of cells, which sometimes occurs in cervix is known as cervix or cervical cancer. Cervical cancer develops very slowly. Before the formation...
Learn MoreCancer that develops in the large intestine (colon) is known as colon cancer. It is also known as colorectal cancer or bowel cancer as rectum is a continuation of the large intestine.
Learn MoreEndocrine system consists of various glands in human body which produces hormones. Endocrine system involves pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal gland, ovaries, testic...
Learn MoreEsophagus / oesophagus is the long tube connecting the throat and stomach of human beings. The food we eat passes through this tube and reaches the stomach. Cancer that occurs in the esophagus is know...
Learn MoreGallbladder is an organ situated on the right side of the abdomen beneath the liver. It is the storehouse of bile a digestive fluid produced by the liver. The cancer originating in the gall bladder is...
Learn MoreCancer that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract and other organs of digestion is known as gastrointestinal cancer. Cancer of esophagus, small intestine, pancreas, gall bladder, large intestine, rectu...
Learn MoreHaemangioma is a benign growth or swelling of the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels. Haemangioma can be characterised by the increased number of normal or abnormal blood vessels filled wit...
Learn MoreKidney / Renal cancer is the condition in which some cells in the kidney start growing uncontrollably resulting in the formation of tumors, which slowly evolves as cancer.
Learn MoreCancer that develops in the larynx is known as larynx cancer. Larynx is an organ that plays a very vital role in breathing and communication. Vocal cords which produce sound are situated inside the la...
Learn MoreA group of cancers which originate in the bone marrow with high number abnormal white blood cells are known as Leukaemia or blood cancer. Generally bone marrow contains of few healthy and many immatur...
Learn MoreAbnormal fast multiplication of cells that begins in the liver without any rhythm in the rate of multiplication is known as liver cancer, hepatic cancer or hepato-cellular cancer (HCC). There are main...
Learn MoreThe uncontrolled growth of cells that begins in the lungs is known as lung cancer or pulmonary carcinoma. Lungs are spongy organs located in the chest that receives oxygen we inhale and expels the car...
Learn MoreLymphoma is the name of a common type of blood cancer which affects the lymphatic system especially the lymphocytes and lymph nodes. Lymphoma can be broadly classified into two categories based on the...
Learn MoreReverse Your Cancer Now By Understanding How It Develops And Identifying And Rectifying The Root Causes That Produce Cancer From All Possible Dimensions.
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