Benefits: Pavanamuktasana cures acidity, Indigestion, gastrointestinal problems, constipation, arthritis pain, heart problems and waist pain. Strengthens back muscle and cures back pain, reduces fat at stomach area. It is very beneficial for reproductive organ and for menstrual disorder.
Caution: Those suffering for high blood pressure, Slip disc, Ulcer should not do this asana. In pregnancy and menstruation women should not practice this asana.
Benefits: Back muscles and vertebrae are stretched. Flexes and stretches the abdominal muscles.
Limitations: B.P and spondilitis patients should avoid.
Benefits: Tones up the pelvic organs, reduces the abdominal fat. Good for varicose veins, constipation and menstrual disorder.
Benefits: Maintains healthy thyroid, influences and tones up the pelvic organs, increases the blood to the brain. Good for treating varicose veins, piles, hernia, faulty thyroid ailments, viscereptosis, dyspepsia, constipation and menstrual disorders. Sarvangasana develops memory, concentration and balance of mind.
Limitations: Persons with B.P, lumbago, slip-disc and cervical spondylosis should avoid.
Benefits: Maintains healthy thyroid, influences and tones up the pelvic organs, increases the blood to the brain. Good for diabetes, asthma, hormonal imbalance and people with lung diseases.
Limitations: Persons with B.P, cervical spondylosis should avoid.
Benefits: Back muscles, vertebrae and lumbar nerves are stretched and kept healthy. Flexes and stretches abdominal muscles. Neck region and chest region receives plenty of blood, helps to maintain healthy thyroid. Elasticity of spine increases. Good for dyspepsia and constipation.
Caution: B.P, spondilitis and chronic constipation patients should avoid.
Benefits: Builds up strong biceps, calves and flexible back. Stimulates the nerves of spine also, clears the respiratory track.
Limitations: Persons with B.P, lumbago, slip-disc and cervical spondylosis should avoid.
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