
What our Patients Say

Patient Name : carmelvilla55@gmail.com

In 2001, my father was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He was brought to a hospital in Quezon City, Metro Manila from Davao City for a more comprehensive checkup. Stage 3 stomach cancer was the diagnosis. A surgery was suggested, but because of his age (he was 83), anything could happen, the doctor said. Our aunt who is a Carmelite nun disagreed that my father will undergo surgery. She instructed me and my siblings to bring our father to San Pablo City to have him checked and treated by Dr. Shaji Kudiyat. She told us about Dr. Shaji and Homeopathy, but we found it strange at first because we never heard of the word Homeopathy before and had no idea how the treatment goes. We still brought him to San Pablo City because we wanted to try everything that will cure his illness. It was a long wait then when we got to Dr. Shaji's clinic. There were many patients who waited, so it took us several hours before he was called for his turn.

He took the prescribed homeopathic medicines religiously after seeing Dr. Kudiyat. On the second year, he was brought to his doctor as per advised by Dr. Kudiyat, for an ultrasound of his stomach. In fact, his doctor thought he was already dead because he has not seen my father for a long time. The doctor performed a gastrointestinal endoscopy, and to his surprise, the cancer was already gone. No more trace of the fungus-like growth found in his stomach. My father continuously took the homeopathic medicines for another two years. On the fourth year, he was 100% cleared of the disease. Thanks Dr. Shaji Kudiyat, thanks to Homeopathy and most of all, thank you Lord Jesus Christ!

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