
About Skin Cancer

About Skin Cancer

Skin cancers generally occurs in the skin areas exposed to direct sun light like face, lips, arms, scalp, ears, hands, chest, legs, etc. However, skin cancers can occur in the skin which is not exposed to sunlight such as skin under your nails, genitals, etc. Skin cancers can be classified into three major categories. They are basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and melanoma. Among the three types, malignant melanoma is the most aggressive type of skin cancer and usually originates from moles.


Uncommon Skin Cancers


Kaposi sarcoma: This kind of skin cancer develops in the skin’s blood vessels. This cancer causes purple patches on the mucous membrane of on skin itself. This type of skin cancer occurs in person’s who have weaker immune systems and people who are taking medications, which affect their immunity, or people who have undergone organ transplantation.
Merkel cell carcinoma: In this type of carcinoma, nodules appear just below the skin and in the hair follicles. These are often found on the neck, head and trunk.
Sebaceous gland carcinoma: This cancer originates in the oil glands situated in the skin. It appears as painless nodules commonly in the eyelid though it can develop anywhere in the body.


Generally Known Causes of Skin Cancer


The most important ostensible cause of skin cancer is believed to be from exposure to ultra violet sun rays. Occurrence of skin cancer can be controlled by avoiding exposure of the skin to ultra violet radiation and by checking your skin when suspicious changes are noticed in it. Earlier detection of skin cancer can lead to successful treatment and eradication of the disease. Tanning beds are believed to be another cause for skin cancer nowadays.
Some ostensible factors that may increase the risk of skin cancer include:

Fair skin.

A history of sunburns.

Excessive sun exposure.

Sunny or high-altitude climates.

Moles known as “atypical nevi” or “dysplastic nevi.

Precancerous skin lesions.

A family history of skin cancer.

A personal history of skin cancer.

A weakened immune system.

Exposure to radiation.

Exposure to certain substances like arsenic, coal, industrial tar, etc. may increase your risk of skin cancer.


Dynamic Science (DS) Based Causes of Skin Cancer


Present science (material science) identifies that there are mutations or epigenetic changes happen in the genetic level that leads to the development of Cancer. Dynamic Science, which explains how mind, vital force (soul) and DNA are interconnected, reveals that our mind regulates the DNA with finality, though there are influences on DNA from the outside energy sources and also from the bio-chemical changes that happen in the physical body. But all DNA changes are ultimately under regulatory control of the mental thoughts. Through our researches based on DSA, we identify different mental and emotional thought processes that constructively and destructively influence the DNA structure. We identify that naturally positive, happy, comfortable, peaceful and pure mental emotional state constructively or curatively modify the DNA whereas negative, unnatural, pessimistic, fearful, destructive mental and emotional states derange the DNA to express itself to an unhealthy plane. Also each thought is connected to a functional system and/or organ of the body. In this connection we search for specific important mental emotional states/thoughts that affect the skin layers in the development of different types of skin cancers. It is still an ongoing research and development activity and a new direction of scientific observation which can make the development of future Medical Science and a new methodology of treatment.


Signs and Symptoms of Skin Cancer


Basal cell carcinoma symptoms: Basal cell carcinoma generally occurs in skin areas exposed to sunlight. The common symptoms of basal cell carcinoma are a bump, which is either pearly or waxy and flesh colored brown scar or lesion.

Squamous cell carcinoma symptoms: Squamous cell carcinoma generally occurs in the areas that are exposed to sunlight. In case of people with darker skin, this kind of carcinomas generally occurs on the area of the skin that is not exposed to sunlight. Their symptoms include a red nodule and a flat lesion, which has a scaly surface.

Symptoms of melanoma: Melanoma generally appears on the face in men and on the lower legs in women. It mostly appears in the skin that is not exposed to sunlight. In people with darker skin, melanoma usually appears in palms or soles.


Signs of melanoma include:

A brownish spot with darker specks.

A mole that bleeds or changes in color.

A blue, red or blue-black lesion with irregular border.

Dark lesions on fingertips or toes or on mucous membrane in your mouth, nose, anus or vagina.


Diagnosis of Skin Cancer


If skin cancer is suspected your doctor may suggest one or more of the following tests for finalizing the preliminary diagnosis in this regard.

Examination of your skin: A skin specialist may examine your skin to find out changes that have taken place in your skin to find out whether they are caused because of skin cancer.

Skin biopsy: Your doctor may remove samples of suspicious looking skin for examining under a microscope. Biopsy will help to confirm whether the patient is having skin cancer and if so the type and stage of the skin cancer that has been afflicted on your skin.


Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA) Treatment of Skin Cancer


At St. George Holistic Health Care Center and St. George Cancer Care and Research Center, we follow a natural holistic treatment procedure introduced by our founder director and chief physician Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat known as Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA). It is based on a new set of scientific hypotheses named as Dynamic Science (DS) which was pioneered by him. Through Dynamic Science, Dr. Kudiyat explains the relationship between the dynamic components of human beings like mind and vital force with the physical body. This science further explains the billion dollar questions – what causes cancer in human beings and how it develops. The DSA treatment stresses the need for the patient to understand everything about cancer including how it is developing, what are the causes and how it can be prevented and treated and how cured cancer patients can be rehabilitated. These matters are explained to the patient and his/her family members through a group counseling session conducted in our hospital or through online video consultation, before the treatment is initiated. This counseling instills confidence in the patient to undergo the treatment procedure. DSA treatment also incorporates the use of natural and dynamic homeopathic medicines, spiritual healing processes like yoga, meditation, music therapy, etc. and judicious use of surgery, which all provide a conducive atmosphere for the self healing process to become successful in completely curing the cancer if it is within the reversible limits. 


Homeopathic Treatment for Skin Cancer


Homeopathy is a holistic treatment procedure propounded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician during the eighteenth century. This new system of medicine aims at healing the disease in a natural way by harnessing the self healing capacity of human body to fight against diseases. Homeopathic medicines rejuvenate the patient by removing all the traits of the disease when medicines are applied based on the cardinal principle of homeopathy ‘Simlar Similibus Curentur’ which means ‘let like be cured by like.’ History reveals the success stories of homeopathy in 18th and 19th centuries. The historic success of homeopathic medicines was recorded in golden letters in the annals of medical history. Our founder director and chief physician Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat is a world renowned doctor and researcher in homeopathic medicine and during more than two decades of his practice as a homeopathic physician and researcher, he has been able to successfully relieve so many patients from the cruel and agonizing clutches of this dangerous disease. He has written a book titled ‘Homeopathic Medicine, An Unavoidable Medical Revolution.’ He regularly speaks in international medical conferences and clearly explains the frequently asked question – how homeopathic medicines work, using the hypotheses of Dynamic Science (DS). All our patients get the unique opportunity to be treated by our chief physician whose patient specific analysis of the situation and interpretations are unique and greatly beneficial to the patient and the entire family members. 

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